"Concept design, detail design & process engineering"
Continual and rapid changes in production technologies, and the need for compliance with laws, in order that we extend upon and create better solutions, all in accordance with CGMP requires knowing, respecting and adhering to the following:
- Vision of our clients
- Svojstvima proizvoda koji će se proizvoditi
- Output requirements
- Level of automation
- Suppliers in terms of price and service
- Maintenance
- Space constraints
- Previous experience and available equipment
- Operator safety
Nicro Ltd. pays attention and strictly adheres to standards, regulations and requirements, such as:
- General laws and regulations,
- Pharmaceutical regulations, EU, FDA, and the like,
- ISO standards, ATEX, PED, etc.,
- Standards set by investors, planning conditions (quantities, technologies, products, deadlines, budgets…)
Nicro is aware and know what makes a good pharmaceutical factory, for example:
- Pharmaceutical approval (qualifications / validation)
- Operational and maintenance efficiency
- Flexible and adaptable production quantities as well as the implementation of new technologies